According to the European statistics bureau, in the first half of this year the
eu clothing New Era HatsJinKouZhi down 4.4%. Universal Asia Europe clothing, especially China
lost years since the first declines, a decline of 6.1 percent; The eu third
largest supplier Bangladesh fell 5.4, the fourth powerDiscount New Era Hats India dropped 3.5%.
Reported that lose uefa clothing 1 power for the eu since China 2009 clothing
exports increased by only 1% (and 2007 and 2008 annual for + 16%). And in the
first half of Europe clothing benefit region of losing the Mediterranean
countries, is the second largest country lost uefa clothing in Turkey,
consecutive decline 11% (2008 and in the first half of 2009), significantly
increased 6%, Tunisia, Moroccan rose 0.9% in the last drop of 12.6% after
progressively recovering, the first half of decreased by 0.8%.
Reports say, insiders think, Asia and China lost the causes of the decrease of
European costume, first in recentMonster Energy hats months against the euro, the depreciation,
Followed by China, Bangladesh and southeast Asian countries on the labor wage
increase, In addition, the Chinese seem to focus on the development of domestic
market, China subcontractor will no longer be foreign client as preferred.